Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Going Home

Hubby is doing Pulmonary Function testing tomorrow and we will finally be going home! I sent the pup home with my in laws earlier today. I am so looking forward to sitting on my couch knitting and watching tv. Or sitting in bed knitting and watching tv. Or sitting on my porch with a cup of coffee. Can you tell I miss my house? LOL
I know I have promised pics of my finished projects and have been bad and not posted them. They have not even been photographed yet. Hospital lighting is not the best. Before the weekend is over I will overload you with pics. The socks that I am working on for hospital employees are going well, but slow. Well, the first one was really slow. The second one is going much smoother. The pattern I am using is for a sock made on 2 circular needles and I am working on 5 sock kneedles. Needless to say the first one took some figuring out. But for only knitting one pair of socks and one single sock before this I think I did pretty well figuring it out! And just incase you are wondering, the single sock is the first in a pair that I was making for myself before the orders were placed. I will get to finishing the other one sometime. Ok I am getting back to packing to load up the car. Night.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Super Excited!

Ok I will get to the super exciting part in just a bit. First let me update everyone on what is going on with the family. Hubby is still in the hospital. He does pulmonary function testing again tomorrow. We are not feeling very positive about an increase. Yesterday evening he came down with a virus cold thing and it has knocked him to the ground again. We will be happy if their is not a decrease. Looks like we will be here for another week.
My middle daughter went today to the local community college and signed up to train for a respiratory therapist and she starts in March!!! Hubby and I are very excited for her and proud of her :D Oldest daughter and her fiance are now settled in their new place and seem very happy. My son, the baby, lol is plugging along at his last year of high scool. Will be happy to see the last one walk across the stage to recieve their diploma.
Ok, now on to what I am really super excited about. I have toyed around with the idea of starting my own business selling handmade goods. I want to be able to sell hand knit items and also sewing crafts. I started knitting about 9 or 10 mths ago and have to say that I am very happy with the amount of progess and the quality of my work. I am always working on something here in the hospital and the staff is always commenting on it. Well, this evening in a matter of 30 minutes I took orders from 3 different people for 4 sets of socks total at a price of $25 dollars apeice!!! I was not sure what to price them at; or should I say what others are pricing theirs at, but I figured it was a pretty reasonable price. What do you think? You can leave me a comment if you have any suggestions. I am super super happy :D So, tomorrow I am off to pick up cotton and wool in their colors and setting my self down for a set amount of hours a day to get them done.
Oh, and the pics of the hubby's caps' have not been taken yet and as for my socks....I just finished the first one and now it will sit as a UFO until I have these three orders done. Depending on how hectic things are tomorrow I may be able to get to it.
I will be stopping by all my friendly blogs I am following before the end of the week...I promise. Looking forward to seeing what you all have been up to :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh I miss my house....

We have been in the hospital now since the 5th. Hubby's lung function was only 20% when he was admitted :( He seems to be feeling a bit better mentally, but lung wise is just not improving. Tomorrow he does Pulmonary Function testing again so we will see where he is at.
I have been knitting :D I have finished one of the hubby's caps and am working on the second. He asked me if I could make him two tight fitting caps that would not come off while riding his motorcycle. The hats are made with Paton wool and I really like how these hats fit. I made them 2 inches smaller than the circumference of his head and they fit like a glove!!! The hats are "opposites", I flipped the colors to make the two. I will post pics when I finish the second one.
My next project after the hat will be a pair of socks for myself. A few months ago while at Michael's I found stretchy sock yarn and just had to have it. It has been sitting waiting for me to have the time to use it and the perfect pattern. Well, I will soon have the time and have found the perfect pattern LOL My fingers are itching to make socks!
Tomorrow I am going home to do our laundry and to go to my oldest daughters to pick up a couple pieces of furniture from her. She and her fiance are moving into a new place this week and will not have room for them. Now I have to find room for them!
I have plans to clean my sewing(junk) room while the hubby is in the hospital. It is a total disaster do to the holidays and just throwing everything that does not have a place in it. I am determined to throw out quite a bit of stuff! The hubby bought me an embroidery/sewing machine over 3 mths ago and I have yet to even plug it up; the main reason being that I can not get through all the junk to get to the sewing table LOL
Guess that is all for now. I am quite tired and think I will lay on my cot and read a book.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What a Monday.......

It started out ok. Had to be up very early,well early for us, to have hubby to the Cystic Fybrosis Clinic by 10am. And the clinic is a good 40 minute drive from us. The appt. took about 45 minutes and we were on our way to breakfast. The docs let us know that the hospital would call when they had a bed. So off to IHOP we went. We always like to have a "last meal" before going in. The hospital food is not that bad but when you are there for 3-4 weeks it gets old fast.
After getting home and getting the hubby settled on his computer I took off to do some shopping and to pay some bills. I always have to pick up new socks and little odds and ends to pack. While out I stopped at JoAnn's Fabrics to pick up some new knitting needles and some wool for a hat I will be knitting for the hubby. Then I made a trip to Petsmart to pick up the pup some goodies and a new coat :) Then I paid the bills I had to and came home.
After a few hours I decided that I really did not want to cook dinner and mess up my clean kitchen so I called the in laws and invited them up for take out dinner. My in laws are lovely people and we really enjoy having them here but they never stay long when they stop by. My mother in law has Alzheimers and just does not do well sitting in one spot for long. While here she wanders alot and tries to clean and just does not seem comfortable away from her home. Tonight was an exception to the rule! They stayed for over an hour and we had an amazing time sitting and talking with them :)
On to the bad part of today. While in line at the drive thru for dinner my car sputtered and died!! It acted like it had run out of gas but I had over a half tank of gas. I could not get the darn thing started and had to have two young kids from inside come out and help me push it into a parking spot. Who says the young of today are not helpful and polite!!! Not me :) So, I tried a few times to get the car started with no luck and called my father in law and hubby. My father in law showed up and informed me that he thought my fuel pump was out :( I call my mechanic and he can not get to my car until tomorrow morning so my little car will sit in the parking lot all night! I hope it will be ok.
In the meantime the hospital called to let us know that they would not have a room for the hubby until sometime until tomorrow...thank goodness! And thankfully my in laws are going to let me borrow their van until my car is back up and running :)
I am hoping that Tuesday is better than Monday :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Slowly getting there....

I am by no means a computer wiz and trying to get a nice looking blog is driving me insane! Hopefully by the month of January I will have it figured out and looking the way I want LOL My daughters boyfriend is a computer wiz so I plan on asking him to help me sometime very soon to help me set up the first time with all the bells and wistles that I want. Then hopefully I will remember how he did it and be able to do it myself.
So,we are packed and ready for the hospital tomorrow. Atleast I hope the hubby is able to get a room tomorrow. We have been told that the floor he is admitted to is not so awful full right now. My laptop is currently with my daughter and her boyfriend so that he can set up some things for me. I hope to have it back by the end of the week. Once it is back in my hands I will post about our wonderful Christmas along with some pics.
I will also be posting pics and patterns of the next 2 knitting projects that I will be working on. One is a hat for the hubby. This pattern is a pattern that I am proud to say I created myself specifically for him :) The second project is a knit slipper pattern for little girls that I have taken the liberty of changing here and there to suit me! I am so thankful for the person who taught me to knit and the knitters bible that she gifted me with. Her help and my experience with creating my own crochet patterns has made it that much easier for me to create my own knitting patterns and having the knowledge to be able to alter a pattern to my liking. That person would be Carrie from wonderfullysewkni Thank you Carrie!

Having probs getting my blog set for the New Year

Just trying this out. I may be down for a while; having issues getting my blog reset and not sure why. Hubby goes in the hospital tomorrow and will not have time anytime soon to work on this.