Monday, January 4, 2010

What a Monday.......

It started out ok. Had to be up very early,well early for us, to have hubby to the Cystic Fybrosis Clinic by 10am. And the clinic is a good 40 minute drive from us. The appt. took about 45 minutes and we were on our way to breakfast. The docs let us know that the hospital would call when they had a bed. So off to IHOP we went. We always like to have a "last meal" before going in. The hospital food is not that bad but when you are there for 3-4 weeks it gets old fast.
After getting home and getting the hubby settled on his computer I took off to do some shopping and to pay some bills. I always have to pick up new socks and little odds and ends to pack. While out I stopped at JoAnn's Fabrics to pick up some new knitting needles and some wool for a hat I will be knitting for the hubby. Then I made a trip to Petsmart to pick up the pup some goodies and a new coat :) Then I paid the bills I had to and came home.
After a few hours I decided that I really did not want to cook dinner and mess up my clean kitchen so I called the in laws and invited them up for take out dinner. My in laws are lovely people and we really enjoy having them here but they never stay long when they stop by. My mother in law has Alzheimers and just does not do well sitting in one spot for long. While here she wanders alot and tries to clean and just does not seem comfortable away from her home. Tonight was an exception to the rule! They stayed for over an hour and we had an amazing time sitting and talking with them :)
On to the bad part of today. While in line at the drive thru for dinner my car sputtered and died!! It acted like it had run out of gas but I had over a half tank of gas. I could not get the darn thing started and had to have two young kids from inside come out and help me push it into a parking spot. Who says the young of today are not helpful and polite!!! Not me :) So, I tried a few times to get the car started with no luck and called my father in law and hubby. My father in law showed up and informed me that he thought my fuel pump was out :( I call my mechanic and he can not get to my car until tomorrow morning so my little car will sit in the parking lot all night! I hope it will be ok.
In the meantime the hospital called to let us know that they would not have a room for the hubby until sometime until tomorrow...thank goodness! And thankfully my in laws are going to let me borrow their van until my car is back up and running :)
I am hoping that Tuesday is better than Monday :)

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